Hey Hubbs! Fact Check Your Blogs Ya Little Pipsqueak!

I fully admit I'm about to eat the trash and respond to a troll blog by that little pipsqueak Hubbs. 

For some reason Marty Mush and that little pipsqueak Hubbs have been hating on the Sox this year. I'll allow it - it's all fun and games. The best part of sports is loving your team and hating on your friends teams. Mush was in town last weekend and we had a good time roasting each other about our respective teams over a few brews and shots. 

What I will not allow is an inconsistency in how Twitter and the internet (on a macro level) and Barstool (on a micro level) goes about attacking people who don't do one iota of fact checking in their blogs. If I get crucified for calling LuBob MiLBs first 30/30 player though he wasn’t by a few hours, Hubbs should pay his dues too  

Take Hubbs blog on Ozzie Guillen he posted a few mins ago for instance. He called Ozzie a trash human. That's a subjective statement that can't be proven right or wrong, so whatever, I won't say why it's an awful take. Let's instead move to all of the inaccuracies in Hubbs' blog from a few minutes ago.

Note - after reading two paragraphs and seeing blatantly incorrect facts and data, I am pretty sure Hubbs its going to unpublish the blog because of how bad it was. I have the webpage up right now and will be screenshotting the paragraphs so they're in the internet in ink, not pencil.

Let's start with this one:

Ozzie Guillen never met Nick Swisher in person? Um hey Hubbs, ya little pipsqueak, do some research. Check your facts. Ozzie Guillen managed the White Sox 2004 through 2011. Nick Swisher played for the White Sox in 2008. He played 153 game in fact. That team made the playoffs in spite of him, not because of him. Where in the fuck did you get your "Ozzie never met Swisher" take from? 

Let's move on to another paragraph:

Did Ozzie say this? Yes. But like anything said in print, in video, online or whatever, context is necessary. He didn't say "I love this dictator who was directly responsible for 10s of 1000s of deaths." He said he loved that people have attempted to kill Fidel for 60+ years, yet the motherfucker was still alive in spite of a billion different assassination attempts and hits placed on him. That he respected his ability to survive. Was it a stupid comment? You bet. But… he's not necessarily "wrong" when you think about it. But Ozzie also profusely apologized.

Also, the Marlins attendance plummeted because they traded Mark Buehrle, Josh Johnson, and Jose Reyes to shed ~$150MM in payroll just a few months after adding all of those players. Not because of Guillen's remarks. Those comments didn't help, but they were made 8 years ago. No way in hell do Marlins fans hold a grudge for that long. NO SHOT.

It was nice of Swisher to go on Hubbs' podcast, but the dude was/is a total tool. The whole league thought so. That's one reason Billy Beane shipped him out of Oakland and why he played on 5 teams in 12 years. He was well known for being a total bullshit artist and the entire team hated him when he was here. Most of the fanbase did too.

Keep Ozzie's name out of your mouth Hubbs, you little pipsqueak! Baseball is better with him in it. Everybody knows that. Dude adds nothing but color to the game and is as good a manager of people as there is. Just about all of his players would lay down on train tracks for him.

Free Ozzie! 

PS - Hubbs is a pipsqueak
PPS - I didn't check for grammar or spelling in this blog and wrote it as fast as I could because I wanted to get it out before our Sirius show and have a video to film at 1pm, so don't @ me if there are a bunch of errors even though I just shit on Hubbs for his error laced blog. Barstool gonna Barstool go White Sox 

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